175 programs found that match your current search specifications.
Nikki Aiello Yoga and Wellness
Type of Support: Classes / Workshops / Training
Yoga for Life Transitions is a workshop or workshop series for individuals going through challenging life situations like divorce, job loss, break-up, addiction recovery, or moving. The class involves both yoga education and time to share personal experiences and discuss the relevance of these practices in daily life. A single 2-hour workshop is $250 per person and a 4-session series is $800 per person.
Program Web Page
Organization Website
Nikki Aiello Yoga and Wellness
Type of Support: Classes / Workshops / Training
Yoga for Mood Management is a workshop or workshop series for individuals with depression, anxiety, or other mood regulation problems. The class involves both yoga/mindfulness education and time to share personal experiences and discuss the relevance of these practices in daily life. A single 2-hour workshop is $250 per person and a 4-session series is $800 per person.
Program Web Page
Organization Website
Nikki Aiello Yoga and Wellness
Type of Support: Classes / Workshops / Training
Yoga for Stress Management is a workshop or workshop series for individuals struggling to manage situational and chronic stress. The class involves both yoga and meditation education and time to share personal experiences and discuss the relevance of these practices in daily life. A single 2-hour workshop is $250 per person and a 4-session series is $800 per person.
Program Web Page
Organization Website
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
Type of Support: Online Support
DBSA Online Support Group meetings are online chatrooms with discussion facilitated by a peer, or someone living with a mood disorder. Registration is required to participate. This room is open to adults living with a mood disorder.
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
Type of Support: Online Support
DBSA Online Support Group meetings are online chatrooms with discussion facilitated by a peer, or someone living with a mood disorder. Registration is required to participate. This room is open to young adults living with a mood disorder.